Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The Dream

The dream has come to pass.
I've enjoyed writing since I was a little kid.
I've had columns and articles in interesting places.
I've recorded my travels and my runs and my political thoughts.
I started self-publishing 8 years ago, cranking out 6 books.
I put out 1,138 queries to publishers and agents, and was rejected 478 times.
The dream has always been to be published; for a work of mine to be of such note, that a publisher reaches out to me with interest - instead of the other way around.
That is exactly what has happened.
Then, Sandy Faska Eller wrote an amazing article, which generated a flood of interest (
Then, for the first time ever, a brick and mortar shop, J. Levine Books and Judaica, accepted my book for its store (
Then, like a hallucination, Urim Publications reached out to me. We negotiated. I just signed the contract for them to publish, distribute, and publicize my book globally.
The next step in this evolution is to make a living as a writer. The 479th brick on the Yellow Road to this Oz has been laid on the path, and I have pointed myself towards my promised land.
I was a dabbler.
I was a self-published author.
I am a publisher author.
I will be a writer.
All the rejection stops now; a world has been opened.
I'm thankful to everyone who has cheerled me along the way, and has taken interest in my work, but I am most thankful to my darling wife, Naomi, and my entire beloved family, for believing in me, guiding me, advising me, and reminding me to commit just as firmly to my day job, as my dream continues to unfold.
-Martin (Mordechi) Bodek
P.S. I'm pulling the product later today, in agreement with the publisher, so that they can replace it with the new version in the marketplace, which will include some Hebrew, and a How To Read guide. So if you want version 1.0, the all-emoji one, chap arain today.