Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Martin Bodek Publishing News, Volume LVI


1) The Emoji HaggadahThe Festivus Haggadah, and The Coronavirus Haggadah are all currently having a wonderful time at the YU Seforim Sale. If you happen to drop by, please take a selfie with any one of them, and be a doll and send it over. Thanks!
2) The Shakespeare Haggadah is scheduled for launch on March 15. Yes, the Ides of March. How perfect is that?
3) They love me in Germany! The Jüdische Allgemeine, who has covered my work in the past, touts The Coronavirus Haggadah as essential humor reading in this article entitled, roughly, "A Haggadah for All Occasions." Danke schön!: https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/kultur/eine-haggada-fuer-alle-faelle/
4) They love me in Argentina! See the love The Festivus Haggadah got here, and hire a Spanish translator: https://noticias.iruya.com/b/cultura/2282-a-festivus-for-the-rest-of-us.html
5) Zaidy's War is still scheduled for release in October 2022.
6) This could be the most important Letter to the Editor I’ve ever written, and I’m fully prepared to face the political backlash: https://jewishlink.news/letters/49105-david-roher-thinks-i-m-crazy?
7) I remain undefeated in Wordle. I'm 35-0. I'm also undefeated in Taylordle, which makes no sense to me.

Okay, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programs. Pardon the interruption.

-Martin Bodek