Sunday, September 19, 2010

My NYC Marathon 18 Mile Tune Up PR

This morning I absolutely clobberdemolishnihilatedestroyed my previous 18 Mile Tuneup record (set in 2002! I'm not an old man yet! Not yet!) by 10:40!!! 10:40!!!

I was faster per mile by 36 full seconds!!!

My time was 2:40:05!!!

How fast was I?

So fast, that I kept the first seven miles all under 8:08! So fast, that I kept the first 12 miles all under 8:43!

So fast, that the lead runner didn't pass me until mile 12 (he usually passes me at mile 9).

So fast, that my laces couldn't tolerate the headwind and busted open! (well, no, not really, I didn't tie them properly and lost 30 seconds!)

So fast, that I finished 7 miles in 1 hour for the first time EVER in a race!

So fast, that I finished 14 miles 2 hours for the first time EVER in a race!

So fast, that it felt like there were a hundred water stops because I kept getting to them so quickly!

So fast, that I reached the half marathon point in 1:51:30, 6 minutes faster than the Bronx 1/2, but several minutes slower than the time I'll put in at the S.I. 1/2, which I'm now REALLY excited about! I'm closing in on being in the best shape of my life. I've got 10 more years of PRs left in me. I am PUMPED!


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