Tuesday, April 07, 2020

I Made it to The New York Times

I made it to The New York Times. Me. In The Times. Speaking about my work, referencing two of the haggadot (The Emoji HaggadahThe Coronavirus Haggadah) that I've written (and slightly implying the third [The Festivus Haggadah]), included with other luminaries and some other fine works. This is almost unreal:


Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful chag kosher v'samaeach. This year it will be constrained, but next year, let's have it with friends and family, all together, in Jerusalem!

Sunday, April 05, 2020

A Brief History of the Haggadah

After publishing three haggadot in two years (The Emoji Haggadah, The Festivus Haggadah, and The Coronavirus Haggadah), I got the call from The Jewish Book Council to write the actual history of the Haggadah.

I painstakingly researched the topic for two months, and I’m very proud of the results. The JBC also supported it with beautiful related art, and well-curated pullouts:


I would be honored if you would print it out and enjoy it at your seder or anytime over Pesach.

I’d like to think that I’ve created enough varied, enjoyable Pesach material for the whole family, and that some of it might take the edge off this very stressful period in our human history.

My heart is with anyone faced with celebrating chag alone.

My “vinch” and prayer is that we a) find meaning and inspiration in this year’s Passover despite the difficulties and limitations, and b) enjoy our Passovers next year with whomever we had hoped to join at seders this year.

Have a wonderful Yom Tov.

-Martin (Mordechi) Bodek

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Two Media Scores for The Coronavirus Haggadah

The Coronavirus Haggadah - apparently, slated to be read by lots and lots of people as a form of comic relief at passover seders - is in the Pesach Edition of The Jewish Vues (https://view.flipdocs.com/?PID=1000741, pages 80-81, and below)

Its "origin story" appears in this week's The Jewish Week: https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/elijahs-quarantined-in-this-haggadah/

As a reminder, here it is for free: https://tinyurl.com/CoronavirusHaggadah

And here it is where the proceeds go to all those in the trenches: http://www.lulu.com/shop/martin-bodek/the-coronavirus-haggadah/paperback/product-24486572.html  

And yes, I do want to fill up your table with haggadot (https://tinyurl.com/FestivusHaggadahhttp://tinyurl.com/theemojihaggadah), and my master plan is working out exactly as intended. Muahahahahaha!

AND! I have an essay coming out soon on the History of the Haggadah. I guess I've come to know a few things. Stay tuned!

Martin Bodek,

Ba'al HaHaggadot