Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Easier-to-Digest Emoji Haggadah Digest


My apologies for crowding your mailbox with all things Emoji Haggadah. Truth is, the pace at which I'm bombarding you is restrained in comparison with the absolute whirlwind I'm experiencing at the moment, which I'm simply delighted to share with you, my friends and family.

5 of you have asked me to take you off my e-mail list. I totally get that. Granted.

As for the rest of you who still love me, I'll digest as much as I can into single e-mails, and create space in between. You have to understand that every time I head to the post office to mail another book somewhere, my phone blows up with yet another interview request, or google alert, or friend offering congrats. It's been amazing.

So this has happened lately:

1) The Jewish Vues, splattering me all over Brooklyn:
4) The book is now in 20 stores (the latest: Eichler's on Coney, and Judaica Gallery in Highland Park) and online outlets and continues to roll.
5) I'm #2 in Jewish Prayerbooks on Amazon, having vaulted over Elie Wiesel, OBM, and stuck behind the Kveller product:
6) I have 5 reviews, but I always will welcome more, and thank you in advance:

Okay, that's more than enough for today. I'll practice restraint again, but still pending are my interviews with The Bergen Record, Jewish Book Council, The New York Times (gosh, that's just too nuts too comprehend), and whatever happens between now and Pesach, which is 8 days away - and which will happen to be my birthday. Nice harmony there.

-Martin(i) Bodek


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