Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Announcing The Shakespeare Haggadah!

Three years prior I didst endue thee The Emoji Haggadah, in the language of pictograms.

Two years prior I didst endue thee The Festivus Haggadah, in the language of anger.

Two years prior I didst endue thee The Coronavirus Haggadah, in the language of sorrow.

Anon I giveth thee The Shakespeare Haggadah, in the language of the Sweet Swan of Avon.

How doeth it read? What beeth inside? Well, haveth a look! Thee forsooth wanteth this in thy haggadah collection:
This is mine tenth book, and mine fourth haggadah, and aye, i'm coequal with Dave Cowen for the most haggadahs ever writ, and aye, both of us art working on a 5th already, and one of us is going to loseth this hurlyburly, and it shalt not be me.

So beholdeth mine new offering, and haveth a wonderful Purim, and then, haveth a wonderful Pesach, and aye, I'm going to haveth a haggadah for each person at thy table, nay matter how big thy family is, and nay matter how many guests thee haveth over.

Give me now leave to leave thee, (Twelfth Night), or, Take leave until we meet again, where’er it be, in heaven or in earth, (Henry VI, Part III) Martin Bard-ek

P.S. Gratitude: Binyamin Jolkovsky alerted me to a new imprint called Wicked Son Press, an imprint of Post HIll Press. That name is perfect, isn't it? They were the 36th publishing house I queried, and they gobbled it up. Thank you to David Bernstein, Aleigha Kely, Alana Mills, Adam Bellow, Devon Brown, and Caroline Vaught for a wonderful working relationship and product. If I forgot anyone, I'll remember you during my Oscar speech.


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